Policies and Procedures
The Media Center hours are from 8:00 am until 3 pm daily. Staff and students may use the Media Center to participate in Media Center lessons, check out books, read, or work on class assignments. Due to social distancing safety measures, the number of students visiting the Media Center will be limited. Only 1 class may enter at a scheduled time, each student and staff member must sanitize their hands when entering and leaving the Media Center. Students may check out books for 2 weeks, and renew 1 time for an additional 2 weeks. Our collection includes Ebooks that may be checked out virtually through Destiny Discovery. The Media Specialist will also be visiting some face-to-face & LaunchEd classrooms.
Fines are not charged for overdue books; however, additional books may not be checked out until overdue books are returned or paid for if lost. Fines are assessed for books that are returned damaged or not returned at all by the end of the school year.
Covid-19 and books
The CDC does not consider paper to be a high risk format for transferring the virus. The current recommendations for cleaning books will be followed:
- Quarantine books for 24-72 hours or
- Gently clean the cover of the books with one of the following methods:
Wipe it down with disinfectant wipe
Lightly spray it with disinfectant
Use a paper towel moistened with disinfectant cleaner
- Thoroughly wash your hands immediately after initial contact/cleaning