Attendance Policies and Procedures
Student attendance directly affects student achievement. Therefore, students are expected to attend all
day, every school day.
1. On a daily basis, student absences will be recorded as unexcused until an acceptable excuse has
been provided by the parent or guardian indicating the reason for the student’s absence. The
principal has the ultimate authority to decide whether an absence shall be excused.
2. The principal is authorized by the school board to accept only the following reasons for the absence(s)
of a student:
a) Illness, injury, or other medical conditions
b) Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family
c) Recognized (or established) religious holidays and /or religious instruction
d) Medical and legal appointments
e) Pre-arranged absences with the prior approval of the principal
3. To report an excused absence, parents/guardians must send written notification to the school’s
attendance office within 48 hours of the day of the absence.
4. To obtain approval for a pre-arranged absence, contact the attendance office to submit the
proper documentation.
5. Absences related to a student’s disability or medical condition will be recorded as an excused
absence. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school of the student’s excused absence
within 48 hours.
6. Students will be given a reasonable amount of time to make up any work assignments that were
missed during an absence or a suspension. Specifically, the student has the equivalent of the
number of days absent plus one additional day to submit make-up work to the teacher.
7. Students who arrive late to school must report to the attendance office to sign in.
Notes provided for excused absences need to include student name, dates of absence, and reason for
Complete the excused absence form here